Elevates the clean and press by focusing on the explosive nature of the power clean movement before transitioning into an overhead press. This variation demands and develops a high level of coordination, full-body strength, and explosive power, making it particularly beneficial for athletes in sports requiring dynamic movements. The power clean phase emphasizes speed and power from the floor to the catch position, while the press phase works on overhead strength and stability.
Stand upright with your feet hip width apart and your shins just in front of the barbell before bending your hips backwards to drop your hands down to the barbell with extended arms.
Explosively stand upright by pushing your hips forward and simultaneously raising the barbell up the front of your torso to shoulder height keeping your elbows high.
Snap your elbows underneath the barbell to catch the barbell at shoulder height.
Extend your arms to press the barbell overhead
Control the movement back to the starting position.
Weight & 1 Rep Max Calculator
Average Power Clean and Press standards by male, female, weight, age and height
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