The 36 Best Triceps Exercises

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Ranked based on how effective each exercise is in building muscle strength. Learn More

Top 10

  1. 1. Cable Rope Tricep Extension

    Photo of Cable Rope Tricep Extension being performed
    6,128,514 SETS LOGGED100 mSCORE

    This is an isolation triceps exercise. The use of cables gives you more control over where the resistance is coming from, allowing you to keep more tension in your triceps compared to equipment like dumbbells. Because you can easily adjust the weight on a cable machine this is also a great exercise for performing drop sets, and burning out your triceps.

  2. 2. Dumbbell Skullcrusher

    Photo of Dumbbell Skullcrusher being performed
    6,450,681 SETS LOGGED98.5 mSCORE

    Dumbbell Skullcrusher is an isolation exercise that targets your triceps. Unlike some skull crusher variations, the use of dumbbells prevents you from compensating for any differences in strength between sides, as well as adding some instability to the movement.

  3. 3. Seated Tricep Press

    Photo of Seated Tricep Press being performed
    4,923,957 SETS LOGGED98 mSCORE

    Seated Tricep Press is an isolation exercise that targets your triceps. The positioning of the dumbbell varies from many other tricep exercises, which is great for adding some variety to your exercise selection. By positioning the dumbbell overhead you can ensure that you’re taking your triceps through their full range of motion.

  4. 4. Skullcrusher

    Photo of Skullcrusher being performed
    2,831,231 SETS LOGGED97.6 mSCORE

    Skullcrushers are an isolation exercise that targets the triceps. By laying back on a bench, you prevent yourself from swaying or leaning into the movement in order to help you move the weight. An EZ-Bar helps you find a comfortable grip, while still adding stability to the movement similar to a barbell variation.

    • Beginner
    • Flat Bench
    • EZ Bar
  5. 5. Dumbbell Kickbacks

    Photo of Dumbbell Kickbacks being performed
    4,442,255 SETS LOGGED96.6 mSCORE

    Dumbbell Kickbacks are an isolation exercise that target the triceps. The use of dumbbells prevents you from compensating for any strength discrepancies between sides. The movement itself is simple and easy to perform, making this a great exercise for beginners, and plenty of variations exist for more advanced users looking to add more difficulty and complexity to the movement.

  6. 6. Cable Tricep Pushdown

    Photo of Cable Tricep Pushdown being performed
    3,538,035 SETS LOGGED96.1 mSCORE

    This is an isolation exercise that targets the triceps. This exercise is very similar to other cable tricep exercises with the exception of using a flat bar instead of other handle attachments. This keeps your hands palms down, and reduces the demand for stabilizing your wrist during the movement.

  7. 7. Cobra Triceps Extension

    Photo of Cobra Triceps Extension being performed
    488,948 SETS LOGGED95.6 mSCORE

    Cobra Triceps Extension is a variation on the standard Push Up. This is a compound, bodyweight exercise that primarily targets your triceps. This is a great exercise for anyone working towards performing push ups, especially if triceps are the weak link.

    • Beginner
  8. 8. Machine Tricep Extension

    Photo of Machine Tricep Extension being performed
    1,216,660 SETS LOGGED95.1 mSCORE

    Similar to other tricep extensions, this variation is an isolation movement that targets the triceps. The use of a machine restricts your range of motion, and adds a ton of stability to the movement. By placing your elbows against the pad, you ensure that the movement is coming entirely from your triceps, and you aren’t accidentally recruiting additional muscle groups.

    • Beginner
    • Triceps Extension Machine
  9. 9. Bench Dip

    Photo of Bench Dip being performed
    4,016,152 SETS LOGGED93.7 mSCORE

    Bench Dip is a variation on the standard Dip. Like other Dip variations, this is a compound, bodyweight exercise that primarily targets your triceps. Because your feet are still on the ground, this tends to be an easier variation, and a great way to build tricep strength as you work towards full bodyweight dips.

    • Beginner
    • Flat Bench
  10. 10. Single Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension

    Photo of Single Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension being performed
    1,642,853 SETS LOGGED93.2 mSCORE

    This exercise is a variation on the more standard Dumbbell Tricep Extension. Like other tricep extensions, this is an isolation movement that targets your triceps. By performing this exercise with a single arm, you add more instability to the movement, as well as prevent yourself from compensating for any strength discrepancies between sides.

11 - 36

  1. 11. Close-Grip Bench Press

    Photo of Close-Grip Bench Press being performed
    3,826,247 SETS LOGGED92.7 mSCORE

    Close Grip Bench Press is a triceps focused variation on the standard Bench Press. By bringing your hands closer together, you reduce the amount of tension in your chest, and place more of that tension on your triceps. This is a great exercise for working a little bit more triceps into your chest days.

  2. 12. Dip

    Photo of Dip being performed
    2,958,897 SETS LOGGED92.2 mSCORE

    Dips are a compound, bodyweight triceps exercise, and an incredibly common exercise. The exercise requires you to raise and lower yourself in a suspended position by flexing and extending your arms. With the standard variation, this is mostly accomplished by engaging your triceps, however other variations can shift this to be more of a chest exercise.

    • Beginner
    • Dip (Parallel) Bar
  3. 13. Assisted Dip

    Photo of Assisted Dip being performed
    607,081 SETS LOGGED91.7 mSCORE

    Assisted Dip is an easier variation on the more standard Dip. Similar to other dip variations, this is a compound exercise that primarily targets your triceps. Unlike the standard dip, you can reduce the resistance of this exercise by kneeling on a counterweight to assist you. Kneeling on the pad also adds more stability to the movement which makes it easier to focus on exertion rather than stability. This is a great exercise for anyone looking to work towards performing full bodyweight dips.

    • Beginner
    • Assisted Weight Machine
  4. 14. Loop Band Standing Tricep Extension

    Photo of Loop Band Standing Tricep Extension being performed
    144,305 SETS LOGGED91.2 mSCORE

    Targeting the triceps, this standing exercise uses a loop band to add resistance to the extension movement. It's effective for isolating the triceps, promoting muscle tone, and strength without the need for heavy weights. The loop band's versatility also allows for adjustments in resistance, making it a suitable exercise for both beginners and advanced individuals.

  5. 15. Tate Press

    Photo of Tate Press being performed
    297,369 SETS LOGGED90.7 mSCORE

    Tate Press is a variation on the more standard Skull Crusher. Similar to Skull Crusher, this is an isolation movement that targets your triceps. The use of dumbbells ensures that you aren’t compensating for any discrepancies between sides. The unique positioning of elbows for this exercise can help to further recruit the long head of the triceps compared to similar tricep or pressing exercises.

  6. 16. Machine Tricep Dip

    Photo of Machine Tricep Dip being performed
    1,412,959 SETS LOGGED89.8 mSCORE

    Machine Tricep Dips are a variation on the more standard Dip. This is a compound movement that primarily targets your triceps. By using a machine, you restrict your range of motion, and add more stability to the movement. This allows you to focus on exertion rather than stabilizing the movement. Because you’ll also be using a weight stack instead of bodyweight, you can have more control over your resistance. This is a great exercise for anyone looking to work towards performing full bodyweight dips, or just building muscle mass and strength in your triceps.

    • Beginner
    • Tricep Dip Machine
  7. 17. Lateral Cable Tricep Extension

    Photo of Lateral Cable Tricep Extension being performed
    237,133 SETS LOGGED88.8 mSCORE

    Similar to other Tricep Extensions, this is an isolation exercise that primarily targets the triceps. By using a cable, you have more control over the direction your resistance is coming from, which allows you to get more consistent tension on your triceps compared to some other equipment like free weights. By targeting each side independently, you also remove the risk of compensating for any weaknesses between sides. This is a great exercise for developing your triceps in a different plane of movement than most other tricep exercises, and adding some variety to your tricep workouts in general.

  8. 18. EZ-Bar Overhead Tricep Extension

    Photo of EZ-Bar Overhead Tricep Extension being performed
    815,244 SETS LOGGED87.8 mSCORE

    Like other Tricep Extensions, this is an isolation exercise that targets the triceps. The use of an EZ-Bar adds some stability to the movement allowing for heavier loads. In addition an EZ-Bar can offer a more comfortable grip compared to something like a Barbell. By performing this exercise while standing you add some instability back into the movement, which makes this a great exercise for developing functional strength.

    • Intermediate
    • EZ Bar
  9. 19. Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extension

    Photo of Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extension being performed
    296,250 SETS LOGGED86.3 mSCORE

    Like other Dumbbell Tricep Extensions, this is an isolation movement that targets triceps. By performing this exercise while standing instead of seated, you add a small amount of instability to the movement. In addition, performing this exercise while standing can make this a more beneficial variation for developing functional strength in your triceps.

  10. 20. Incline Barbell Skull Crusher

    Photo of Incline Barbell Skull Crusher being performed
    347,890 SETS LOGGED85.9 mSCORE

    Incline Barbell Skull Crusher is a variation on the more standard Skull Crusher. Like other Skull Crushers, this is an isolation exercise that primarily targets your triceps. By positioning yourself on an incline, you can get more of a stretch in your triceps which can help improve muscle growth. The use of a barbell helps to add stability to the movement, allowing you to focus more on exertion rather than stabilizing the movement.

  11. 21. Single Arm High Cable Tricep Extension

    Photo of Single Arm High Cable Tricep Extension being performed
    400,030 SETS LOGGED85.4 mSCORE

    An isolation exercise focusing on the triceps, particularly the long head, for improved arm definition. The high cable setup allows for a full stretch of the triceps muscle, enhancing the muscle development potential.

  12. 22. Cable One Arm Underhand Tricep Extension

    Photo of Cable One Arm Underhand Tricep Extension being performed
    673,793 SETS LOGGED84.9 mSCORE

    Like other Tricep Extension variations, this exercise is an isolation movement that targets the triceps. By using an underhand grip, you can more easily keep your elbows close to your sides. By performing this exercise with each side independently, you remove the risk of compensating for any weakness between sides.

  13. 23. Cable One Arm Tricep Side Extension

    Photo of Cable One Arm Tricep Side Extension being performed
    710,682 SETS LOGGED84.4 mSCORE

    Like other Tricep Extension variations, this exercise is an isolation movement that targets the triceps. By performing this exercise one side at a time, you remove the risk of compensating for any strength discrepancies between sides. In addition, this exercises forces you to work your triceps in a different plane than many typical tricep exercises.

  14. 24. Dumbbell Tricep Extension

    Photo of Dumbbell Tricep Extension being performed
    1,339,783 SETS LOGGED83.9 mSCORE

    The Dumbbell Tricep Extension isolates the triceps, promoting muscle growth and strength. Performed either standing or seated, it involves extending the arms above the head with a dumbbell, focusing on tricep contraction and control during the movement. This exercise enhances arm aesthetics and supports upper body strength, making it essential for a balanced arm workout routine.

  15. 25. Cable Underhand Tricep Pushdown

    Photo of Cable Underhand Tricep Pushdown being performed
    431,314 SETS LOGGED82.4 mSCORE

    This variation of Cable Tricep Pushdown uses an underhand grip to place additional emphasis on the medial head of the triceps, offering a unique challenge and stimulating muscle growth. The cable machine provides constant tension throughout the movement, enhancing muscle engagement and strength development. It's an excellent exercise for refining tricep definition and increasing arm strength.

  16. 26. Tricep Overhead Extension with Rope

    Photo of Tricep Overhead Extension with Rope being performed
    885,795 SETS LOGGED82 mSCORE

    Similar to other tricep extensions, this is an isolation exercise that targets the triceps. The use of a cable machine gives you more control over where the resistance is coming from, and allows for more consistent tension in your triceps than other equipment like free weights or machines. By performing the movement overhead, you ensure that you’re taking your triceps through their full range of motion by getting a good stretch as you return towards the starting position.

  17. 27. Diamond Push Up

    Photo of Diamond Push Up being performed
    446,462 SETS LOGGED77.1 mSCORE

    Diamond Push Ups are a more advanced variation on the more standard Tricep Push Up. Like Tricep Push Ups, this compound, bodyweight exercise primarily targets your chest and triceps. However, by placing your hands together on the ground, you can further emphasize your triceps. Additionally, placing your hands together gives you a less stable base, which can increase the need to recruit your core.

    • Advanced
  18. 28. Loop Band Single Arm Tricep Extension

    Photo of Loop Band Single Arm Tricep Extension being performed
    123,229 SETS LOGGED76.1 mSCORE

    Loop Band Single Arm Tricep Extension is an isolation exercise that targets your triceps. By targeting one side at a time, you prevent any compensation for strength discrepancies between sides. The use of a loop band allows for increasing tension as you progress through your range of motion.

  19. 29. Tricep Stretch

    Photo of Tricep Stretch being performed
    1,059,829 SETS LOGGED75.6 mSCORE

    Tricep Stretch is a simple and effective stretch that primarily targets the triceps. By extending one arm overhead and using the opposite hand to pull the elbow behind the head, you can get a deep stretch in the tricep. This is a great addition to any workout routine to help improve flexibility and prevent injury.

    • Beginner
  20. 30. Mini Loop Band Tricep Press

    Photo of Mini Loop Band Tricep Press being performed
    264,851 SETS LOGGED75.1 mSCORE

    By incorporating a mini loop band, this tricep press variation adds resistance throughout the movement, intensifying the muscle activation and increasing the challenge. It's a portable and effective way to target the triceps for strength and endurance improvements, suitable for at-home workouts or as a supplementary exercise in the gym.

  21. 31. PVC Tricep Stretch

    Photo of PVC Tricep Stretch being performed
    34,175 SETS LOGGED74.6 mSCORE

    PVC Tricep Stretch is an isolation exercise that targets the triceps and shoulders. By using a PVC pipe, you can get a deeper stretch compared to traditional tricep stretches. This is a great exercise for improving flexibility and mobility in your triceps and shoulders, especially useful for warming up before pressing exercises or cooling down after a workout session.

    • Beginner
    • PVC Pipe
  22. 32. Downward Dog Push Up

    Photo of Downward Dog Push Up being performed
    514,597 SETS LOGGED72.2 mSCORE

    Downward Dog Push Up is a variation of the standard Push Up that incorporates elements of yoga. Like other Push Ups, this is a compound exercise that primarily targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. The downward dog position adds more focus on the shoulders and also engages the core and hamstrings. This variation can enhance flexibility while also building strength in a more dynamic way.

    • Intermediate
  23. 33. Handle Band Tricep Extension

    Photo of Handle Band Tricep Extension being performed
    488,050 SETS LOGGED69.3 mSCORE

    Handle Band Tricep Extension is an isolation exercise that targets triceps. Similar to Cable Tricep Extensions, you have a lot of control over where our resistance is coming from, which can help you keep tension on your triceps throughout the movement. The use of a handle band also allows for increasing resistance as you progress through the movement, making this a great exercise for developing strength in the latter parts of your range of motion.

  24. 34. Smith Machine Close-Grip Bench Press

    Photo of Smith Machine Close-Grip Bench Press being performed
    305,150 SETS LOGGED64.9 mSCORE

    Utilizing the Smith Machine for a close-grip bench press ensures precise control and stability, allowing for focused effort on the triceps, along with the chest and shoulders. The close grip emphasizes tricep engagement, making it a powerful exercise for building strength and muscle definition in the arms. It's suitable for lifters at all levels seeking to improve their pressing power and tricep size.

    • Beginner
    • Flat Bench
    • Smith Machine
  25. 35. Ring Dip

    Photo of Ring Dip being performed
    60,912 SETS LOGGED57.6 mSCORE

    Ring Dip is a more challenging variation on the standard Dip. Similar to Dips, this is a compound, bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the triceps. Using rings adds a ton of instability to the movement, and forces you to focus on developing body control. This is a great exercise for adding more complexity and difficulty to your dips.

    • Intermediate
    • Rings
  26. 36. TRX Tricep Extension

    Photo of TRX Tricep Extension being performed
    180,149 SETS LOGGED39 mSCORE

    This bodyweight exercise uses the TRX suspension system to challenge the triceps through a full range of motion, enhancing core stability and balance simultaneously. The adjustable difficulty level, based on body positioning, makes it accessible for all fitness levels. It's a functional exercise that improves muscle tone, strength, and endurance in the triceps.