30-Min Outdoor Ab Workout You Can Do Anywhere

30-min outdoor ab workout you can do anywhere

Do you want to get a 6-pack for summer?

Or maybe you just want to work on your ab and core strength?

Working on your abdominal muscles can bring both aesthetic and functional benefits.

Our 30-minute outdoor ab workout is one that you can do anytime, anywhere.

Not only that, but we’ve designed it so that it’ll hit every part of your abdominal muscles, from the upper and lower and everything in between.

Be ready for a session that’ll leave your entire core burning for all the right reasons.

But first, let’s talk about each part of the core so you know exactly what muscles you’re working.

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Outdoor Ab Workout:  Which Parts of the Core Will You Be Working?

tabletop crunch

Our abdominal muscle is made up of four different parts:

  • Rectus abdominis

  • External obliques

  • Internal obliques

  • Transversus abdominis.


Rectus Abdominis.jpg

This is the part of the ab that people think of when they hear the words 6-pack.

It’s the two pairs of sheets that begin from your ribs to your pelvis and is on top of all the other parts of your abdominal muscles.

Its role is to flex the body forward.


External Obliques.jpg

The external obliques are situated on either side of your rectus abdominus.

It is the biggest muscle in your abdominal section and is responsible for maintaining your posture and allowing your body to twist from side to side.

If you want to turn to your left, you’re putting your right external oblique at work and if you’re turning to the right, then it’s your left external oblique that is controlling the movement.


Internal Obliques.jpg

Sitting right below the rectus abdominis and underneath your external obliques are your internal obliques.

They are also in charge of allowing your body to twist and bend from side to side.


Transversus Abdominis.jpg

The transverse abdominis is located underneath your rectus abdominis and obliques and wraps around the waist.

Its purpose is to stabilize the spine, pelvis, and lower back.

It basically holds your entire abdominal region together and is often referred to as your ‘deep core’ muscle.

Related Article: How Often Should You Train Abs For Max Results

How to See Your Abs From Your Outdoor Workout

Everyone has abs even if you can’t see it.

Now, doing just ab exercises, like the ones we’ll discuss below for our outdoor workout, isn’t going to be enough to be able to see them.

If you’ve ever heard of the saying, “abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen”, that’s completely true.

While working out will assist in defining and shaping them, not to mention increasing your core strength, it’s your diet and nutrition that plays a significant role in whether or not they are visible.

To be able to see your abs, you need to have a low enough body fat percentage.

  • For women, a body fat percentage needs to be between 14 to 19 percent.

  • For men, a body fat percentage needs to be between 6 to 13 percent.

However, be forewarned that having visible aims does take a lot of discipline.

Honing in on your nutrition and what food and drinks you consume will play a significant role in visibly revealing your abs.

We have several articles covering those topics, including:

Related Article: What Is The Best Cardio For Abs? (13 Examples)

How Long Will It Take For Me To See My Abs?

abdominal muscle

If you’re training with our outdoor ab workout below, you might wonder how long it will take to see your abs.

The amount of time it’ll take for you to see your abs varies greatly for each individual.

A big contributing factor to this time is how much body fat percentage you’re starting with.

Those with a higher body fat percentage will most likely take longer to reveal their abs while those with a lower body fat percentage may see results much quicker.

It’s recommended that you lose around 1-2% of your body fat each month, so it can take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years.

Related Article: Check out our 1-Hour Outdoor Workout

Your 30-minute Outdoor Ab Workout Can Be Done Anywhere

scissor kicks

Now, it’s time for your 30-minute ab workout!

With this workout, we are going to hit every single part of your ab so that you get a full session that’ll get you that one day closer to stronger, more defined abs.

There are going to be 4 sections consisting of 4 exercises each and we are going to repeat each section twice.

So the idea is to completely run through section 1-4 and then repeat it again from the start.

For each exercise, we will be doing 45 seconds on followed by a 15-second rest before moving onto the next one.

No equipment is needed, these are all bodyweight exercises, though feel free to use a fitness mat or a towel to help soften the ground.

This will target a specific region of your abdominal muscles, so get ready to feel the burn.

Let’s get started!

For more ab workouts exactly like this, try FitBod right now.

Outdoor Ab Workout:  Circuit #1


Abdominal muscle worked: lower rectus abdominis

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. This lower ab exercise requires you to lie on your back with your feet together.

  2. Lift your feet off the ground, engaging your core muscles.

  3. Separate your legs in a scissor motion, one leg lifting up with the other just above the ground. Don’t let it touch the floor.

  4. Switch your legs so the other leg is lowered and the other is up. Repeat until the 45-seconds are up.


Abdominal muscles worked: upper rectus abdominis

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent above you in a 90 degree angle.

  2. Contract your upper abs and lift off the ground, reaching for your knees with your hands.

  3. Return to the floor and repeat.

Related Article: 15 Types of Crunches (How To Do Them + Pros & Cons)


Abdominal muscles worked: upper rectus abdominis

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. Sit on the floor with your torso leaning back slightly and your legs in front of you, so you are forming a v-shape with your body.

  2. Twist your torso to the left, engaging your core.

  3. Then twist to the right and repeat, alternating sides.


Abdominal muscles worked: transverse abdominis

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. Lie on your stomach with your elbows in front of you, propping your upper body up.

  2. Tuck your toes under your foot then contract your abdominal muscles, lifting yourself up off the floor.

  3. Your body should be in a straight line. Ensure that your hips are not too high in the air or that they are sagging toward the floor.

  4. Hold this pose for 45-seconds.

Related Article: How To Get Better at Planks (7 Tips That Actually Work)

Outdoor Ab Workouts:  Circuit #2


Abdominal muscles worked: rectus abdominis

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. Begin in plank pose, except instead of leaning on your elbows, you should be supported by your hands with your arms out straight. This is a high plank.

  2. When you’re ready, start by bringing your left knee in, contracting your core, towards your chest. Then bring it back down to the ground.

  3. Repeat on your other side, bringing your right knee into your chest and then back down again.

  4. Keep switching sides. Go as fast as you can until you can do this in a smooth motion.


Abdominal muscles worked: obliques

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. Lie on your left side, propped up on your left elbow with your legs straight . Your right leg should be on top or slightly in front of your left leg.

  2. Engage your abs and lift up until you are balancing on the left side.

  3. Make sure that you don’t droop down and that you are still in a straight line.

  4. Hold this position on your left side until the 45-seconds is up.


Abdominal muscles worked: obliques

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. This is the same as the left side plank but using your right side instead. Lie on your right side, propped up on your right elbow with your legs straight . Your left leg should be on top or slightly in front of your right leg.

  2. Engage your abs and lift up until you are balancing on the left side.

  3. Make sure that you don’t droop down and that you are still in a straight line.

  4. Hold this position on your left side until the 45-seconds is up.


Abdominal muscles worked: transverse abdominis

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. In a seated position, lean your torso back slightly with your legs straight in front of you. They should be about 6 inches off the ground.

  2. Contract your muscles and bring your upper and lower together, reaching for the toes.

  3. Then, lower yourself back down until you are back into the hollow hold position. Don’t let your legs or shoulders touch the ground.

  4. Repeat.

Outdoor Ab Workout: Circuit #3


Abdominal muscles worked: lower rectus abdominis

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent in the air at a 90-degree angle.

  2. Bring your legs closer to you and then up in the air, so your hips are lifted off the floor.

  3. Hold this position for a beat.

  4. Bring your knees back to the starting position and repeat.


Abdominal muscles worked: upper rectus abdominis

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. Lie flat on your back. Your legs should be extended in the air, forming a 90 degree angle with your body.

  2. With your arms outstretched in front of you, reach up and touch your toes. Ensure that your lower back remains flat on the ground.

  3. Repeat.


Abdominal muscles worked: obliques

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. Assume your side plank position on your left side. However, instead of using your elbows to support yourself, you are going to be holding yourself up with your left hand with your arm straight.

  2. Your right arm should be extended in the air forming a T.

  3. Then, twist inwards until your stomach is facing the floor, bringing your right hand under your body to the other side.

  4. Rotate outwards until you are back in the starting position.

  5. Repeat.


Abdominal muscles worked: obliques

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. This is going to be the same as the left T-rotation, except you are using your other side. Assume your side plank position on your right side. However, instead of using your elbows to support yourself, you are going to be holding yourself up with your right hand with your arm straight.

  2. Your left arm should be extended in the air forming a T.

  3. Then, twist inwards until your stomach is facing the floor, bringing your left hand under your body to the other side.

  4. Rotate outwards until you are back in the starting position.

  5. Repeat.

Outdoor Ab Workout: Circuit #4


Abdominal muscles worked: rectus abdominis, obliques

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Your hands should be behind your head.

  2. Lift your upper body until your shoulder blades are off the ground.

  3. Rotate your torso so that your right elbow meets your left knee. Your right leg should extend out straight with your left elbow pointed behind you.

  4. Switch and alternative sides so that your left elbow is now meeting your right knee.

  5. Repeat.


Abdominal muscles worked: obliques

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. Assume a high plank position.

  2. Make sure your core is engaged.

  3. Bring your right knee up towards your right elbow, then return to starting position.

  4. Change legs and bring your left knee to your left elbow.

  5. Repeat.


Abdominal muscles worked: Rectus abdominis, obliques, transverse abdominis

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. The starting position is a plank on your hands.

  2. From there, push your hips up and back into a downward dog position.

  3. With your right hand, touch your left toe, trying to keep your legs as straight as possible.

  4. Return to the high plank position.

  5. Do the same but this time with the opposite hands and legs.

  6. Repeat.


Abdominal muscles worked: transverse abdominis

Time: 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds rest


  1. Begin in a plank position on your elbows.

  2. Keep your core engaged

  3. Lift yourself to your hands, one at a time.

  4. Lower yourself back down to your elbow.

  5. Repeat.

Final Notes

With this 30-minute ab workout, you can train your core anywhere, anytime. It’ll hit every section of your abdominal muscles so you don’t overwork or underwork any part. Combined with the right nutrition, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of your 30-minute outdoor ab workout, both aesthetically and strength-wise.

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About The Author

Emily Trinh

Emily Trinh

As a health and fitness writer, Emily combines her two passions—powerlifting and writing. With a creative writing degree under her belt, she spends her mornings lifting weights, her nights putting pen to paper, and eating too many snacks in between.