Bobbi Kavanagh
Retired, Guelph, Ontario Canada
The Trigger:
I went on vacation to California and my feet were so swollen because I was over weight. I had to buy support hose to help with the swelling from the airplane and heat. I realized, I am 40. If this continues I won’t see 50. My fiancé said to me, “I finally found you. I need you to be healthy for our family.” I came home from vacation and made a video to myself, and haven’t looked back!
The Change:
Initially I started with weight loss, by cutting out all alcohol, and Diet Coke/carbonated drinks (I was addicted). I cut my portions in more than half, and I only eat off a side plate with small utensils. Focused on high protein, low carb and low sugar.
We decided my health and happiness was going to be a priority, and I took early retirement. After losing about 50 lbs, I joined a gym and got a personal trainer 2-3x a week. It was costing me a fortune, but I found it helped me get motivated and learn the basics.
At the 65lb mark I found Fitbod. I gave up my trainer and never looked back. Fitbod was life-changing for me. It gave me the confidence to go to the gym alone, without a trainer. It taught me how to do exercises I wasn’t familiar with, by using the video and descriptions, and gave me workouts that challenged me. Even though I had no physical human pushing me, this app pushes me… every day.
I am the healthiest and happiest I have ever been in my life. For the first time ever I am confident. I feel worthy, I feel and look younger than I ever have. It’s been amazing to watch how my strength has increased. I am getting married next month, and totally going out of my comfort zone and wearing a super sexy open-backed dress with my new muscular back!
Advice for others:
Just start! Download the app and go! The first few times using the app seems a bit daunting, there is a small learning curve. Stick with it. Join the Facebook community. They are some of the kindest, most supportive, and helpful people you could ever find. Set small achievable goals. Don’t expect everything to change instantly overnight. It takes time to make exercise and healthy choices a habit.
Once you keep at it, it will become second nature. I used to make every excuse in the book not to go to the gym, now I find any way I can to get there. If you are unsure of an exercise, utilize the videos and description on each exercise. I always take the time before my workout to review Fitbod’s planned workout for me, and adjust it as needed. Remember, you CAN do this!
Anything else?
Just that this is by far the best app I have ever used. I was looking for something like this for years. It almost feels like when you find the one you are going to marry!
Thank you for changing my life, and thank you for saving me from spending over 7000$ a year in personal trainers!
Disclaimer: This post has been edited for brevity and clarity.