Science-Based Six Pack Abs Review: Should You Do It?

science-based six pack abs review

Intermittent fasting is a popular dietary practice that has been something beginner fitness goers and dieters turn to to help them lose weight

Like all other dietary programs for weight loss, IF (intermittent fasting) restricts overall calorie intake by restricting your eating period to a set number of hours of the day and fasting the rest.

The Science Based Six Pack Abs diet and workout program is one such weight loss program that uses IF.  The program is laid out into a few different plans based on the experience of the individual, and may be an option for some beginners looking to lose weight.

So, what is the Science Based Six Pack Abs Program?

Science Based Six Pack Abs diet and workout program offers people an intermittent fasting dietary approach to weight loss accompanied by a bodyweight, dumbbell, and cardio-based program. The programs are 90-days in length, and are broken down into three phases, each building on the last and becoming more challenging.  

There are two main “tracks” you can choose from based on your level with dieting and training (base track vs fast track), each with their own pros and cons. 

My first impression was that the Science Based Six Pack Abs diet and workout program would work well for beginners or individuals who are looking for a straightforward diet program that has clearly defined rules to follow, and a workout program that requires you to train only a few days per week for 30 minutes or less. 

That said, I did find some flaws in the Science Based Six Pack Abs program that is worth discussing more in-depth: 

Why This May Not Be the Best Program for You

why this may not be the best program for you

1.  This Program Is Very Restrictive 

While intermittent fasting is restrictive in nature, this program may spell disaster for those who partake in the “Fast Track” option. 

This program restricts the amount of food you eat in a day by having you not eat for 16 hours, and restricts the food eating window to the last eight hours of the day. This is standard practice for fasting diets, however this program also details out what exactly and how much food you should eat during that window to optimize fat loss.

The issue is that during the fast track option, the total amount of calories eaten per day in the first phase is roughly 1,500 calories. Even with only fasting three days a week, most individuals will find it difficult to adjust. While that is often the case with any diet, the second and third phases have you eating even less calories per fasting day AND fasting up to 5 days of the week. 

This severe cut in calories in such a short amount of time could lead to significant weight loss (on the scale), but also result in muscle and strength loss, decreased energy, and an increased likelihood of regaining the weight following the end of the diet program.

While I personally am not a fan of fasting over adhering to a slightly calories restrictive diet over time (more balanced approach), I do see the appeal and benefits for some individuals as it is easier to stay within a set of rules and not worry too much about macros and the impact drastically decreasing calories may be in the long run. 

If you are someone who feels this is something you still want to do, I urge you to make sure you are not losing weight too fast, as this often ends in the rapid weight loss decreasing your metabolism and breaking down muscle tissue is weight loss and calorie restriction is too rapid and aggressive.

If you are someone who is unsure about your ability to maintain muscle mass and strength during a diet program, you could try the Fitbod app to find workouts that can help you preserve as much muscle as possible (click to try free workouts). 

Fitbod will base your workouts on your performance in the gym, and give you quantitative data on your performance workout to workout. The app takes into consideration several data points that learns how you should be progressing based on your logged training history and can help you determine if your diet program is too aggressive and impeding your ability to progress in the gym. 

2.  Little to No Emphasis on Muscle Retention or Building

Science-Based Six Pack Abs diet and workout program is a 90-day intermittent fasting diet plan that comes with a basic workout program that has little emphasis on maintaining muscle mass or strength during the diet phase. 

Granted, the author does suggest that the main takeaway of the program is the diet plan and that you do not need to follow the workout program to have success. They even go on to say that you could do the diet program in conjunction with another workout program if you like.

The workout program has you performing workouts 3-5 days per week, each 20-25 minutes per session. The first phase (30-days) is bodyweight-based. The second phase is bodyweight and dumbbell-based, and the third phase is bodyweight, dumbbell, and cardio-based.

3.  Not a Sustainable Dietary Approach for Long-Term Fat Loss and Muscle Growth

The success of this program is entirely based on your ability to eat less food via intermittent fasting, and do so over the course of 90-days. 

While this is obviously the goal and a key component to every other weight loss program (progressively eat fewer calories overtime to lose weight), my fear is that the drastic decrease in calories over time, while yielding weight loss results (because you are starving yourself) could result in excessive amounts of lean muscle mass lost, decreases metabolism near the end of the workout program, and a higher risk of regaining body fat once you return to a more balanced way of eating. 

Furthermore, it makes no mention on how to reintegrate yourself back into eating a more balanced diet and eating schedule, which could lead to some individuals feeling lost and end up gaining weight back. 

Lastly, if you were to successfully finish the program, you most likely are left with much less muscle and strength than you started, despite being “lighter”. This could really impede your ability to hit the gym, continue building muscle, and find the motivation to train hard again if you end up losing muscle and strength.

Related Article:  Should You Lift Weights While Fasting?

To recap, this is why I feel you should go with the Fitbod app instead of Science Based Six Pack Abs program:

  • Allows for lifters of all levels and abilities to find challenging programs that drives muscle growth with exercises that match the lifters abilities and experience levels
  • Provides you with in-app videos on proper lifting technique and form (with no leaderboard)
  • Modifies your workouts weekly to adjust to your individual performance week to week, to allow for better recovery and progress
  • While the Fitbod app doesn’t provide dietary options, it can be used in conjunction with a more balanced and performance-driven diet program that can help you maximize muscle growth and retention while helping you lose fat.

Need a workout program? Try Fitbod for Free.

Now, let’s dive into the full review of the Science Based Six Pack Abs program.

Program Review – Science Based Six Pack Abs

Below you will find my full program review of the Science Based Six Pack Abs program.

About the Creators – Thomas Delauer

The author of the Science Based Six Pack Abs is Thomas DeLauer. Thomas is a personal trainer, bodybuilder, and fitness enthusiast.

 After losing nearly 100lbs through dieting (fasting), he became more and more engaged in the research regarding intermediate fasting and the behaviors that people struggle with when dieting (schedules, time conflicts, lack of meal planning), and developed this program. 

What is the Science Based Six Pack Abs Program

Science-Based Six Pack Abs program is a 90-day intermittent fasting diet and workout plan geared primarily for individuals looking to lose weight and body fat without having to do a lot of hard workouts, or those who have limited time.

This diet program consists of three, 30-day phases, watching progressively harder than the next (eating less month to month, fasting more frequently). 

The workout regimen is laid out in calendar format and has you perform 3-5 workouts per week every month ranging from 20-25 minutes in length. The first month is all bodyweight-based, whereas months two and three incorporate dumbbells and cardio. 

The workouts themselves are moderate intensity, and have you performing supersets to maximize time efficiency.

Science Based Six Pack Abs Program

science-based six pack abs review

Science Based Six Pack Abs program is delivered to you through an online portal, one that includes:

  • 64-page diet planner, recipe book, and workout schedule (downloadable PDF)
  • 22-page nutrition planner (downloadable PDF)

In the below sections, we will discuss the key training variables that every lifter should be aware of when looking to lose weight and how the Science Based Six Pack Abs program addresses each one. 


This program does not follow a traditional periodization model in which lifters would try to linearly increase loads or reps week to week. 

The workout program is very rudimentary, and is there to have you do something that is total body based, and to get you moving. While there are some compound exercises in the second and third months, the overall training volume is low and the emphasis is more on circuit based sets with bodyweight or cardio rather than strength training or maximizing muscle retention during a strict diet phase.  

For beginners, however, the workouts themselves would suffice and offer enough training volume and intensity to get some results. For more advanced trainees, this program may underdeliver in the workout arena, and be too aggressive in the diet.

Training Split 

Science-Based Six Pack Abs program follows a 3 days a week training program in the first month, four workouts per week in the second month, and 5 workouts in the third month. 

The workouts are spaced out accordingly in each week, but can be moved around as needed as most of them are lower in volume and are total body-based.


Science-Based Six Pack Abs program is highly dependent on the success of the diet aspect, with the workouts being there to offer an extra benefit. The workouts themselves are total body-based, and are shorter in length. 

This is expected since the individual will not be consuming a lot of calories and therefore may find it difficult to lift with weight, train heavy, or train hard due to the severe calorie restriction in the later phases of the diet plan.

The movements themselves are done often in fast-paced workouts that are mostly total body in nature, meaning they hit most muscles a little bit every day. Workouts typically include 3-4 exercises pairings (supersets), with the entire workout being completed in under 30 minutes.

Training Volume

Science Based Six Pack Abs program is low volume in the beginning stages, but then quickly goes to higher volume as the last phase approaches. 

In most training programs, as the intensity and volume increases, it can be challenging to recover unless sound nutrition is taking place. Given that the diet plan is at its hardest during the last stages of the workout program, some individuals may find they cannot train as hard or even have decreased performance in some workouts due to eating less and less calories as the program goes on.


There is no apparent overloading taking place throughout the Science Based Six Pack Abs program, other than including dumbbells in the second and third months of the program (instead of just bodyweight only). 

There are no week to week progressions or phasic training progressions that take place other than a lifter either adding more weight, doing more reps, or resting less.

Fatigue Management

Science Based Six Pack Abs program does not address the potential for feeling low energy, low motivation, and lack of the ability to push yourself in every workout session. Given that the program does not make a distinction between the needs of a lifter based on body size, leanness, and lifestyle, it could be hard to estimate the recovery needs of different individuals.

It is important to point out that the success rate of this program is highly dependent on the individual’s ability to adhere to the strict diet plan, which will place them in a caloric deficit from week to week. 

Individual Differences

Science Based Six Pack Abs program is a templated program that is marketed towards offering people a way to rapidly lose weight in 90 days with restrictive eating practices (intermittent fasting) and moderate to high intensity workouts. 

Individual concerns like previous injuries, access to equipment, and training schedules can be an issue for some, but this would be the case for most templated training programs. 

One major flaw with this diet approach is that there is not distinction between the dietary needs of a 25 year old male, at 14% body fat who trains hard 4 days a week and weighs 220lbs versus a 45 year old male with 25% body fat who trains 2 times a week and weighs 175lbs. Both should have clear and distinct dietary needs, however the macros and calories recommended for them are the same (not correct).

3 Benefits of the Science Based Six Pack Abs Program

Below are three benefits of the Science Based Six Pack Abs program.

1. Easier to Follow 

Science Based Six Pack Abs program, despite its limitations, can be the jumpstart some individuals need to get off the couch and start training on a consistent basis. 

The workouts are quick and fast paced, and often include common movements that can be done anywhere and do not require a ton of equipment. Furthermore, the fasting basis on which this is built upon is easy to follow as the clear and definite eating rules leave little room for error, assuming people follow them consistently.

2. Workouts are Time Efficient and Easy to Do Anywhere

Science Based Six Pack Abs diet and workout program has a very low entry to begin, making it easy for anyone to start.

Each workout is laid out in a simple format, making it easy to follow and allows you to push yourself to accumulate a ton of volume (if you can). The workouts are not the key aspect to this program, which helps educate individuals that the key to all training programs that are geared for weight loss is to make sure your diet is on point.

3. Two Diet Options to Choose From

The Science Based Six Pack Abs diet program has two “tracks” to choose from. The “base track” is less aggressive and could be a decent diet strategy for most individuals, especially those who are doing another workout program that is more weight based. 

The “fast track” is a glorified crash diet, and cuts calories drastically to yield aggressive results, however I do not suspect it is a long term approach to weight loss or weight management. 

Related Article:  How To Eat More Calories & Lose Weight

3 Negatives of Science Based Six Pack Abs Program

Below are three negatives of the Science Based Six Pack Abs program.

1. Very Food Restrictive

Science Based Six Pack Abs is intense, fast-paced, and food restrictive (which can be a pro or con depending on the goal); and while that isn’t a bad thing, it is something to be aware of if you are:

(1) someone who struggles to maintain muscle mass during weight loss phases

(2) is fairly lean to begin with, and does not want to sacrifice performance in the gym

(3) struggles to keep weight off or to not regain it after an aggressive diet plan

If you are one of the above individuals, you may find this program is too aggressive and while it can yield results in the short term, it could spell disaster after the program. 

There is no emphasis on making sure you do not lose weight too fast, or making sure that the weight you are losing isn’t muscle. Additionally, following the program, there is no guidance on how to transition from a severe calories restrictive diet to a diet that is more balanced and one you can adopt as a lifestyle.

If you are still wanting to do this, please understand that you can lose weight and body fat specifically by simply adhering to the diet plan and keeping the workouts at a lower intensity and lower impact level. 

2. Little to No Emphasis on Maximizing Muscle Retention

Science Based Six Pack Abs diet and workout program will make you lose weight, however at a cost. Aggressive short term diets that are strictly out there to lose weight may be appealing, but the harsh reality is that people end up losing just as much muscle as they did body fat.

Losing muscle during a weight loss cycle, while inevitable, is something that you want to minimize as best as possible. To do so, it is critical that you train with weights frequently (4-6 days a week), and make sure you lose weight slowly rather than in fast, quick bursts. Not only does rapid weight loss often end up in muscle loss, but also ends up in higher incentives of regaining the weight lost, and more.

3. Not a Sustainable Way to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Science Based Six Pack Abs is not a program geared to help you lose weight, and then keep it off. 

There is no doubt the this diet will help you lose weight. The issue is that after you lose the weight, there is not clear directions on what to do to keep it off and move forward into a a phase that you can maintain your new weight using healthier eating strategies.

Fasting is a short term eating solution that is trying ot fix a long term issue. Whether it is emotion eating, lack of an understanding of nutritional basic, or whatever else may be an obstacle, fasting is an elimination diet that quickly can run its course with participants.

Successful long term weight loss and weight management programs often place emphasis on allowing flexibility and not being overly restrictive. This program is the opposite, and could be a serious issue for individuals who struggle keeping weight off after they complete a diet plan.

Who is Science Based Six Pack Abs Program For?

who is science based six pack abs program for

Science Based Six Pack Abs could be a program for someone who wants to lose weight without having to commit a ton of mental thinking or time to the process. By restricting the times in which you are able to eat, you are placing yourself in a rapid calorie deficit (must also follow the diet protocols for eating). 

This program may work for individuals who are looking to lose weight rapidly and are not overly concerned about the potential longer-term issues of regaining the weight or losing muscle mass during the weight-loss period.

But, before you jump on the program, make sure you consider the drawbacks listed above. 

Science-Based Six Pack Abs Program – Final Recommendation

I personally do not recommend this program to most individuals, however, if someone is looking for a rapid way to lose weight, without having to work out as much, this could be an option. I say this because this program will work, but it will also have consequences that are avoidable if you are able to commit a little more time and effort. 

But, for lifters who want a beginner-friendly program they can do at home, with minimal weights, to kickstart their fitness and diet training, this could be a good option (but to be clear again, the workout program is no more effective than any other at fat loss… rather, to lose fat you need to eat less, that’s the key).

Final Program Review Score…

7.6 out of 10

For those reasons, I really think this program misses the mark for most intermediate and advanced lifters, mainly because fasting is not any more effective than a less aggressive calorie restrictive diet over time. The former also allows you to maintain muscle mass and strength more, and can easily be adjusted back to a weight management program after successful weight loss. 

For those who are concerned with maximal strength and muscle gain in the long term, yet want to look for a program that will match their specific dieting needs (training when in a calorie deficit needs to be different than amassing plan, specifically lower in volume), I recommend you check out the Fitbod App

It allows you to choose programs based on your level, training schedules, and goals, and customizes your workouts weekly to adapt to your previous performances to improve your results every week.

About The Author

Mike Dewar

Mike holds a Master’s in Exercise Physiology and a Bachelor’s in Exercise Science. He’s a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), USA Weightlifting Advanced Coach, and has over 10+ years of experience working with collegiate athletes, national level lifters, and beginners alike. Mike is Founder of J2FIT Strength and Conditioning, a growing global training company with gyms in New York City, Cincinnati, and online offering personal training, online custom coaching programs.