A compound exercise combining elements of a sumo deadlift and a high pull. It targets the posterior chain, particularly the glutes, hamstrings, and upper back. The sumo stance increases hip engagement, while the high pull adds an explosive element, promoting power development.
Stand upright overtop of a kettlebell with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart angled out slightly.
Maintain a braced core and neutral spine throughout the exercise.
Hinge your hips backward and extend your arms to grab ahold the kettlebell with a double overhand grip.
With you lower legs nearly vertical to the ground, extend your hips to raise the kettlebell with your elbows high keeping it close to your body.
Once the kettlebell has reached shoulder height, lower back to the starting position.
Weight & 1 Rep Max Calculator
Average Kettlebell Sumo High Pull standards by male, female, weight, age and height
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