Prone Flutter Kicks are a bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the lower back and glutes. By lying face down and alternating leg kicks, you recruit these muscles while maintaining a straight posture. This adds some instability, further engaging your core. This is a great exercise for improving lower back strength and enhancing stability in your posterior chain.
Position and lay face down on a bench such that your hips are on the bottom edge of the bench. Grasp the bench with both hands to help secure yourself to the bench.
Contract your glutes and hamstrings to straighten your legs out behind you. Your hips should be roughly in line with your feet and shoulders.
Raise one leg while allowing the other to lower slightly and then switch these positions while keeping your upper body stable on the bench.
Continue alternating legs throughout the duration of the exercise.
Maintain good posture by keeping your legs straight behind you with a slight bend in your knees.
You should feel this exercise primarily in your glutes and hamstrings.