Standing Cable Core Twist is a dynamic exercise that targets the entire core, with a particular focus on the obliques. This rotational movement enhances core stability, rotational strength, and the ability to generate power across the body. It's beneficial for athletes and those looking to improve functional strength.
Position the cable at chest height and stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart perpendicular to the cable rail a few feet away.
Clasp your hands around the end of the handle with extended arms at chest height near the anchor point.
Rotate your torso away from the anchor point keeping your hands in front of the middle of your chest.
Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite side.
Tips & FAQs
Standing Cable Core Twist is also known as:
Standing Cable Abs Twist
Weight & 1 Rep Max Calculator
Average Standing Cable Core Twist standards by male, female, weight, age and height
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