Cable Crossover Lat Pulldown is a compound exercise targeting the latissimus dorsi with a unique crossover motion that enhances the stretch and contraction of the lats. This variation promotes width and depth in the back muscles, improving posture and V-taper aesthetics. It's especially beneficial for those aiming to intensify their back workouts with added focus on the lower lats and increased range of motion.
Kneel on the floor between two cables. Grasp a handle in each hand such that your palms are facing forwards.
Engage your back to pull the handles down toward your torso. Allow your hands to rotate inwards as you pull the cables.
Tense your upper back and hold this position for a moment at the bottom of the movement.
Slowly allow the weight to return to the starting position while maintaining tension in your back.
Maintain good body posture by keeping your core engaged for stability, your chest up and your shoulders back.
You should feel the tension in your upper back, not your biceps.
Weight & 1 Rep Max Calculator
Average Cable Crossover Lat Pulldown standards by male, female, weight, age and height
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