Reviewed by Jim Parker, CPT, B.A. Kinesiology
This compound exercise primarily targets the back, but also hits the shoulders and biceps. The movement itself is based on a Pull Up, however, by locking your legs into place, you can add significantly more stability to the movement making it easier to complete a rep, as well as getting control over the resistance. This exercise can be easily adapted to meet your needs with different handles.
It’s important to move through your full range of motion, however it’s very common to see people brining the bar far too low. Aim to pull the bar down between your chin and the top of your chest.
Many back exercises will also recruit your shoulders and biceps, however it’s very common to see lifters over recruit these smaller muscle groups. Try shifting your mindset from bringing the bar to your chest or vice versa, and instead think of brining your elbows to your side. This mindset shift will help you better recruit your back with these movements.
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