A compound exercise targeting the core with a focus on obliques. The stability ball introduces an instability factor that requires more core engagement, while the cable machine adds adjustable resistance, improving rotational strength and balance more effectively than traditional twists.
Sit upright on a stability ball before stepping forward to position just your upper back onto the ball, place your feet firmly on the ground shoulder-width apart, and extend your hips to flex your knees to 90 degrees.
Extend your arms over your chest holding onto a medicine ball.
Roll your shoulders to the right while the stability ball rolls left keeping your hips stationary and keeping the medicine ball over your chest.
Once your right arm has become parallel with the ground, roll your shoulders to the left.
Return to the starting position.
Weight & 1 Rep Max Calculator
Average Stability Ball Abdominal Twist standards by male, female, weight, age and height
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