The Stability Ball V-pass is an engaging full-body exercise focusing on the core and coordination. Lying on your back, you pass the ball from your hands to your feet, forming a "V" shape with your body. This exercise challenges the core, improves lower body flexibility, and enhances coordination and balance.
Lie face up on the floor with your legs straight and a stability ball between your feet. Place your arms over your head.
Squeeze the stability ball with both legs.
Engage your core while folding at your hips to raise the ball and your arms.
Transition the ball from your feet to your hands at the top of this movement while keeping your core engaged.
Hold this position for a moment at the point of the ball’s transition.
Slowly return to the starting position while holding the ball secured in both hands rather than your feet. Maintain tension in your core.
Repeat the previous contraction to bring the ball from your hands back over your body to transition back to your feet.
You should feel this in your core.
Sets & Reps Calculator
Average Stability Ball V-pass standards by male, female, gender, weight, age and height
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