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The 14 Best Back Exercises For Women (With Sample Workouts)

best back exercises for women

A strong, muscular back is sometimes overlooked compared to legs and glutes. While strong legs are a top goal for many women, a strong back can also help enhance their physiques. A muscular back helps to improve posture, give shape and definition to the upper body, and can even help women feel more confident in their bodies.

The 14 best back exercises women can do to build their back muscles are:

  • Dumbbell Row
  • Incline Dumbbell Row
  • Bent-Over Barbell Row
  • T-Bar Row
  • Machine Row
  • Smith Machine Row
  • Hammer Strength Iso Row
  • Hammer Strength High Row (Pulldown)
  • Assisted Pull Up
  • Pull-Up
  • Australian Pull-Up (Inverted Row)
  • Lat Pulldown 
  • Single-Arm Lat Pulldown
  • Straight-Arm Pulldown

Below, I’ll cover these exercises in more detail and offer pro tips to help you get the most out of each one. I’ll also offer a few workouts you can do to kickstart your back muscle growth.

If you want to build a stronger, leaner back, let Fitbod help.  On average, a new Fitbod user who trains 3 times a week for about 45 minutes will see a 34% strength increase after 3 months. Try Fitbod for free.

Anatomy of Women’s Back Muscles

There are some genetic differences between men and women that impact the rate of muscle growth and how large muscles can get (discussed below). However, the anatomy of the back is the same between men and women, as humans share the same muscle and bone structure. 

Latissimus Dorsi

latissimus dorsi

The lats cover the backside of the body from the base of the hips to the back of the shoulders.

They are large and run at many different angles. For these reasons, it’s important to include both rowing and pulling movements (hands pulling downwards from the overhead position) when targeting this muscle group.

When training the lats, you also want to focus on pulling the shoulder blades forward and together, as this will also train the smaller muscles of the back at the same time.

Levator Scapulae

levator scapulae

As the name suggests, this muscle elevates (levitates) the scapula (shoulder blade). It supports the neck and head, runs from the top of the shoulder blade (inner corner), and attaches to the cervical spine.

Most pulling exercises will train this muscle indirectly, as it is used to support the larger muscles of the back. You often do not need to train it directly. In fact, many women (and men) suffer from tight levator scapulae muscles. 

Adding in a stretch to these by gently bending your head to the side can offer some relief if you have a tight neck. Furthermore, improving back strength, especially in the lats, lower traps, and rhomboids, can prevent this muscle from becoming hyper-involved in lifting exercises, which contributes to neck stiffness.



The rhomboids are small muscles that run between the shoulder blades and are responsible for pulling the shoulder blades together. 

By not allowing the shoulder blades to spread apart, they help to stabilize the shoulder blades during pulling and pressing exercises. They also contribute to good posture.

These muscles are typically trained during rows when you emphasize pulling the shoulder blades together at the top.



The trapezius muscle is a large muscle that spans the entirety of the back. 

The upper trap runs across the back of the shoulders and upper back. It is most often the one people think about when they hear traps.

The middle and lower traps are deeper muscles. All three work to stabilize the shoulder blades, assist in pulling and pressing movements, and improve posture.

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Benefits of Back Exercises for Women

Below are four key benefits women can expect to gain when adding back exercises into their upper body workout routine.

Stronger and More Defined Back Muscles

If you want to build back muscles and improve their shape and tone, you need to train them directly with rows and pulling movements. By training the back a few times a week, you can build more muscle and better preserve that muscle throughout your life.

When a muscle grows, it becomes more visible and provides shape to the body. Paired with a healthy diet that helps you maintain a low body fat percentage, training your back will allow you to see your back muscles and add definition to your upper body.

A more developed back will also help give your body a more tapered look, which can give the illusion of a smaller waist.

Better Posture

The back works to keep the torso upright and the shoulders pulled back, which are two common posture issues both men and women have. When you train your back muscles, you help prevent your body’s tendency to slouch the shoulders forward or hunch over. 

Research shows that back training can help decrease kyphosis (upper back rounding forwards) in women in the middle and later stages of their life. The stronger your back is, the better posture you will be able to maintain in your youth, middle ages, and beyond.

Improved Body Image 

When you work out, you not only build muscle, but you can also improve your body image. Researchers found that middle-aged women who participated in three resistance training workouts a week improved their levels of positive body image more than women who participated in a walking program three times a week. 

The takeaway is that resistance training is a powerful tool to build muscle and increase body positivity.

Do note, however, that walking is a great form of exercise too. In a good program, resistance training and cardiovascular exercise can coexist.

Related Article: Cardio vs. Weights: Which One Helps You Lose Weight Quicker?

Injury Resilience

A strong back is more than just looks. It can help you maintain a more rigid torso and resist sprains and strains in everyday life and during exercise.

When lifting weights, a strong back prevents you from rounding forward and causing stress to the lumbar spine. It also helps to keep the shoulders from collapsing forward and creating stress at the shoulders. Strength is one of your biggest allies against injury. 

Related Article: Try These Barbell Back Exercises to Build a Bigger, Stronger Back

Are There Differences Between How Women and Men Should Train Their Back?

When looking at the role that physiology plays in how fast one can build muscle, how much muscle one can build, and how large the muscles can get, we need to look at the research.

Understanding the role of testosterone, muscle fiber types, and physiological differences between men and women will help us understand the differences (if any) in how women should train their backs and what results they can expect.

What Does the Research Say?

Research shows that women have smaller muscle fibers overall and tend to have fewer fast-twitch muscle fibers (the ones responsible for powerful bursts of energy) than males.

This may help to explain why men tend to have more muscle tissue and larger muscle fibers than women. The differences in muscle fiber type can play a role in the size of the muscle on the body. 

Research also attributes the growth of muscle and the impact that has on overall muscle size in men vs. women to the presence of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Men have much higher levels of testosterone than women.

Lastly, researchers have found women tend to lose both muscle mass and bone density as early as their early to mid-thirties. This muscle loss is primarily due to the rapid decrease in estrogen during menopause.

What Does This Mean for Women Who Want to Strengthen Their Back Muscles?

If you are a woman who’s concerned about getting bulky if you lift weights, understand that the difference in testosterone levels will impact how much muscle you will put on and the total size of that muscle tissue in relation to men. 

Additionally, if you are a woman looking to build muscle and are in the middle to later stages of your life, you need to prioritize resistance training to build muscle. More importantly, you need to lift weights to preserve the muscle mass (and bone density) you have.

Key Takeaway – Should Women Train the Back Differently Than Men?

No, women do not need to train their backs more frequently or with heavier or lighter loads than men. 

Your muscles can grow using both heavy and light loads, with the best workout program incorporating both types of loading. Ideally, you would train back twice per week, maybe three times a week, if you are looking to really focus on building a stronger back.

Related Article: The Best Back Exercises You Should Do for a More Defined Back

14 Best Back Exercises for Women

1. Dumbbell Row

The dumbbell row is a back exercise that allows you to train both sides of the body independently. You can do this exercise with both lighter and heavier weights. This is key for developing muscular balance and symmetry. 

The free-weight nature of this exercise also allows you to customize your pulling angles and grip positioning to better target the back muscles and work around discomfort you may otherwise feel when using a barbell.

How To Do It

  • Place a dumbbell on either side of a bench, and then place your right knee on the bench under your hips with your right hand in front of your knee, underneath your shoulders.
  • Grab a dumbbell with your left hand, and then move your left leg back behind you, making sure it is out of the way and supporting you in a sturdy position.
  • Your back should be flat, with your hips and shoulders in line with one another. Your back knee should be bent softly, with your back heel off the ground.
  • Pull the dumbbell upwards towards the sides of your torso. Think about pulling it back more towards your hips than your shoulder, as this will help you match the angles of the muscles (how they attach and contract).
  • The torso should not move during this pull, and you should pause at the top of the movement. Make sure the shoulder blades are pulled together and the elbow is not flared out.
  • Slowly lower the weight and repeat for reps, then switch sides.

Pro Tip

Your back leg should be placed where you feel it allows you to keep your hips even and provide the best support for your body. I recommend you let it extend back and slightly out to the side to help keep both hips facing the ground at all times.

2. Incline Dumbbell Row

The dumbbell incline row is a row variation that allows you to train each side individually at the same time, helping to increase your workout efficiency.

By lying on an incline bench, you also minimize the need to support yourself in the bent-over position. This is very helpful for beginners who struggle to get themselves set up in or maintain a good bent-over row position. 

The incline row also allows you to train the back muscles to failure without having hamstring flexibility, lower back fatigue or discomfort, and mental fatigue be the primary reason for ending your work set before the upper back muscles gas out.

How To Do It

  • Set a bench on a 30-45 degree angle, and lie on your stomach on the bench while holding dumbbells in each hand. 
  • Your upper chest and shoulders should be off the end of the bench to allow you to row without hitting the bench.
  • With your arms extended below you and palms facing forward, bend at your elbows and pull the weights past your lower rib cage, making sure you do not lift your upper torso up too much as you do this.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades at the top, and then slowly lower and repeat.

Pro Tip

This is a great movement to train with heavier loads, as you can really attack the upper back without having the lower back get in the way. I often will have clients and beginners do these as a back-strengthening exercise that also minimizes injury risks to the lower back.

3. Bent-Over Barbell Row

The bent-over barbell row is a challenging exercise that requires back strength, body awareness, and hamstring flexibility. Many lifters who do this exercise properly will notice it trains the entire back (lower, middle, and upper) and has good carry-over to other exercises like deadlifts. 

When doing these, you will see many different techniques — some good and some bad. Below, we will detail how to do these for the best back growth while also minimizing lower back injury.

How To Do It

  • Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart underneath a barbell, with the bar 2-3 inches in front of your ankles. 
  • Brace your core by breathing inwards and filling your abdomen, and then push the hips back and hinge forward towards the barbell, grasping it with a double overhand shoulder-width grip.
  • With your arms fully extended, softly bend the knees and flatten the back, allowing the hips to drop until your back is parallel to the floor. Your lower back should be slightly arched (not rounded), and your shoulders should not be hunched toward the floor.
  • With the bar starting on the floor and without moving your body or letting the hips rise or drop, pull the barbell to the upper abs or lower chest and pause once you get within 0-2 inches of touching your body.
  • Slowly lower the barbell back to the floor, or within 1-2 inches of the floor, and then repeat.
  • Make sure you do not let your back angle change. Your shoulders and hips should be in line, and your back should be parallel to the floor at all times.

Pro Tip

I find this exercise is better done with moderate to higher rep ranges to help maximize muscle growth, as it can be challenging to do anything under 5 reps with very heavy weights while maintaining good form. I like training this within the 8-20 rep range.

Related Article: Female Bulking Workout Plan

4. T-Bar Row

The T-bar row is a bent-over row variation that has you take a slightly different angle than most bent-over rows, as you are bent over at a 45-degree angle and pulling the bar upwards to your chest. By taking this angle, you are able to hit most of the upper and middle back muscles. 

T-bar rows may also come with chest support, making it easier to train with heavier loads and to muscle failure without placing stress on your lower back.

This is a great exercise for women who want to build a stronger, more muscular back but struggle with doing heavier bent-over rows due to lower back discomfort or flexibility.

How To Do It

  • Load up a T-bar row machine with your desired weight, and stand on the platform above the handles with your chest facing down.
  • If the machine has chest support, lie face down on it with your upper chest and shoulders hanging off the end of the bench.
  • Grab the handles with palms down.
  • In the bent-over position, deeply inhale to fill the abdomen with air and flatten the back. Your back should be at a 45-degree angle.
  • Pull the weight to your body, keeping the elbows close to the torso as you do this.
  • Pause for 1-2 seconds at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the weight back down and repeat for reps.

Pro Tip

When doing this, it is easy to let your hips shift forward at the top. However, you want to make sure to keep them back to force the back to finish the exercise rather than the hips.

I prefer to use this with chest support to minimize lower back stress and take this common but important mistake out of the conversation.

5. Machine Row

The machine row is a great option to train the back for all levels, as it simply does the setup and allows you to have effective back workouts with minimal skill level.

This is also a great exercise for advanced lifters who want to target the back muscles and train them hard without being limited by their flexibility or lower back muscular endurance.

How To Do It

  • Sit upright in a machine with your chest on the pad.
  • Grab the handles with a double overhand or neutral (palms facing one another) grip.
  • Deeply inhale air into your core and straighten your spine to sit up tall.
  • With your shoulders back and relaxed, pull the elbows back past your torso so that the hands are as far back as you can pull them without letting your back or shoulders roll forward.
  • Return to the starting position, and repeat.

Pro Tip

If you are more advanced and have good body awareness, try allowing your upper back to expand as you reach your hands in front of you to get a big stretch on the lat muscles between reps. This will help you train the muscles in a wider range of motion and get more growth out of this movement.

Related Article: Best 3-Day Workout Plan for Females

6. Smith Machine Row

The Smith machine row is a machine row variation that allows you to train the bent-over row position without needing to worry about controlling the proper bar path. This is a great variation for lifters who struggle with the proper form of a barbell row yet want many of the same benefits.

This exercise is also a great way to help reinforce bent-over row form, as it forces you to maintain a good body position above the bar and better understand your relationship to the weight as you lift it vertically.

How To Do It

  • Stand upright within a Smith machine rack, with the bar lined up over your toes and your feet hip-width apart.
  • Push your hips back and softly bend the knees, hinging to move your chest downwards towards the bar.
  • With your back flat and hips back, extend your arms downwards and grab the bar with a double overhand shoulder-width grip.
  • Your hips should be in line with the shoulders or slightly below them.
  • Pull the bar to the bottom of your chest, keeping your elbows pulled into the body at a 45-degree angle.
  • Lower the bar back down and repeat, making sure not to let your hips or torso move during the movement.

Pro Tip

This is a great exercise to train moderate to higher rep rows, as it keeps the bar on track and allows you to push harder without as many form breakdown opportunities as the barbell bent-over row.

Try adding this to your workout and do sets of 10-15 reps or 15-20 reps and really push the muscle to failure.

7. Hammer Strength Iso Row

The Hammer Strength Iso Row is a rowing exercise that allows you to train each side of the back independently. This is similar to the incline dumbbell row in that sense. However, you are placed on a more fixed path. You do not need to worry so much about proper pulling angles because they are pre-determined for you.

This also means you can train each side of the back at the same time and do so with intensity without being limited by your body awareness or ability to control your torso.

How To Do It

  • Sit upright in a Hammer Strength row machine with your chest pressed against the pad.
  • Grab the handles with a neutral (palms facing each other) or double overhand grip.
  • Deeply inhale to brace your core and position yourself in an upright position by straightening your spine.
  • With the shoulders down and retracted, pull the handles back until your elbows are past your torso, making sure your head or neck does not roll forward.
  • The elbows should be 45 degrees from the body.
  • Briefly pause for 1-2 seconds while flexing your back, then slowly lower the weight and repeat.

Pro Tip

As you reach your arms forward, envision allowing your shoulder blades to open up (protract). This will help you get a deeper stretch and reach.

To pull, think about driving your elbows to your hips, and keep your chest on the pad when you do so, as this will help you engage your lats and pull the handles back evenly.

8. Hammer Strength High Row (Pulldown)

The Hammer Strength High Row is a pulldown variation of the Hammer Strength row that trains the back similar to a lat pulldown or pull-up.

This is great for building back strength at a different angle than the row and is ideal for lifters who struggle to do pull-ups or want to train each side of the back independently, which lat pulldowns do not do.

By performing this exercise, you can also address muscle asymmetries of the back that otherwise would not be addressed in training pull-ups and lat pulldowns. 

How To Do It

  • Sit upright in a Hammer Strength High Row machine with your chest against the pad.
  • Reach your arms up to the handle, take a double overhand grip, and straighten your spine so you are fully upright with your chest still on the pad.
  • Drive your elbows downwards towards your hips and allow the arms to bend, making sure your chest stays up and on the pad.
  • Once the handles move past your chest, return to the start position and repeat.

Pro Tip

It is easy to let your shoulders roll forward on this exercise. To prevent this, think about pulling the elbows down towards the hips and driving the bottom of the shoulder blades down the back. This will help you master the angle of this exercise and feel more of the lats working.

9. Assisted Pull-Up

The assisted pull-up machine is a great way to train the pull-up if you are not strong enough to do multiple repetitions and sets of unassisted pull-ups. This is also a great way to train the pull-up with slower tempos (2-3 seconds lowering) to help you establish better body control and muscle contractions.

Female lifters of all levels will be able to build a better back and stronger pull-ups using this machine, as they will be forced to slow down and not allow themselves to swing or use momentum to cheat in a pull-up.

How To Do It

  • Place your knees on the pad of the assisted pull-up machine and take a palm-forward grip on the handles that are slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Brace your core and make sure your ribs are pulled down into your body to minimize back extension.
  • With the arms fully extended, pull the elbows downwards towards your back pockets until your chest is above the hands. 
  • Lower yourself to a count of 2-3 seconds until your arms are fully extended, and repeat.

Pro Tip

Try to pull yourself up all the way so that the weight stack goes back to the resting position. This is challenging but will help you train the top part of the movement, build strength across the entire range of motion, and target the middle lat fibers.

10. Pull-Up

The pull-up is a challenging yet highly rewarding exercise that can build a strong, muscular back and arms. Many lifters struggle to do pull-ups, but when they get their first one, it is an invaluable moment.

This exercise can be done with body weight or added weight, trained in low and high rep ranges, and can be used in all types of programs to maximize muscle growth and back strength.

It is, however, often done incorrectly. Be sure to master this movement using the tips below and have no shame in doing assisted pull-ups as well to help prepare you for unassisted pull-ups.

How To Do It

  • Place your hands 2-3” outside shoulder width on a pull-up bar with the palms facing away from you.
  • Fully extend your arms and hang from the bar, making sure to keep the front of your pelvis pulled upwards to engage your core and minimize lower back hyperextension.
  • Pull your chest up to the bar by driving your elbows outward and back towards your hips.
  • Once your chest is above the bar, flex the back at the top, and then slowly lower yourself back down until your arms are fully extended.
  • Repeat for reps.

Pro Tip

Try holding a pad or block between your thighs as you do this, and squeeze inwards. I like having lifters do this so they can learn how to create tension in the core and legs to minimize their body swinging during pull-ups.

Related Article: How Many Pull-Ups Are Considered Strong?

11. Australian Pull-Up (Inverted Row)

The Australian pull-up, also known as the inverted row, is a good row exercise to help you learn how to better control your body in space.

It requires much of the same body awareness and control as the pull-up, which is why it is often used as a regression (easier movement) to help prepare a lifter for the pull-up.

How To Do It

  • Position yourself underneath a fixed barbell in a rack and grab the bar with a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip and your palms facing down towards the ground.
  • Flex your torso and leg together, and walk your feet underneath the bar so that your chest is lined up under the bar.
  • Pull your upper chest to the bar, making sure to keep your shoulders back and torso straight. Do not let your hips rise or fall.
  • Control the movement the entire way, then lower yourself to the start position and repeat.

Pro Tip

Squeeze the bar with your full grip to engage more of the arm muscles. This is often a key tip for inverted rows and pull-ups, as a stronger grip will help you pull heavier loads.

Since most people struggle with pulling their own body weight, this is an easy way to tap into more strength instantly on this exercise.

12. Lat Pulldown 

The lat pulldown is a machine back exercise that trains the back from a vertical pulling angle, unlike a row, which is a horizontal pulling angle. By training the back at this angle, you can target different fibers to fully develop the back shape.

A lat pulldown is a good option for lifters who also want to add more training emphasis to the back but are not able to do higher-rep workouts with pull-ups.

How To Do It

  • Attach a bar to the pulldown pulley, and grip it with the palms facing away from you, about shoulder-width apart.
  • Sit upright with your thighs under the pad and straighten your spine, making sure to keep your core braced by breathing deeply into your abs.
  • Extend your arms fully above you, pull your elbows towards the back of your hips, and flex the back.
  • Control the weight as you slowly extend your arms back to the start position, and repeat.

Pro Tip

Drive your shoulder blades down the back as you pull the weight down, as this will help you make sure you are engaging the lats and not just pulling with the arms.

13. Single-Arm Lat Pulldown

This is a one-arm variation of the lat pulldown and is helpful for addressing any muscle imbalances you may have that you are not able to address when doing this with both arms.

This is also helpful if you lack the ability to control both shoulder blades at once during pull-ups and pull-down movements. It is a good way to strengthen each side of the back independently.

How To Do It

  • Attach a single handle to the pulldown pulley, taking an overhand grip with one arm.
  • Place your thighs under the pad, and sit upright.
  • Pull the handle down to the side of your torso, making sure to stay upright and keep the shoulder blade pulled down the back.
  • Extend your arm back above you until it is straight, then repeat all reps on that side before switching arms.

Pro Tip

Use your other hand to help anchor your body by holding onto the machine so that you do not twist or crunch downwards towards the side. The stronger your base is, the better you will be able to move weight and target each side of the back.

14. Straight-Arm Pulldown

The straight-arm pulldown targets the lats and removes the ability to use the biceps to assist in the pulling movement. This is a good isolation exercise for the back and can be a great way to train the lats when you want to minimize arm usage.

This exercise requires you to keep your posture upright and have the control to not allow your shoulders to round forward. It may be best to do this with a partner watching you or near a mirror.

How To Do It

  • Plae a pulley at the highest point with a straight bar attachment, and grasp it with a double overhand grip with the arms shoulder-width apart.
  • Step back 1-2” and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • With your arms fully extended in front of you, bend at the hips and lean forward, allowing your arms to reach out above you just above your head.
  • With your back flat and hips back, pull the bar down to your hips with straight elbows in an arcing motion.
  • Flex the back muscles at the bottom of the movement for 1-2 seconds, then raise your arms back up to the start position.

Pro Tip

This is a good exercise for moderate or higher-rep sets for hypertrophy rather than low-rep sets for building strength. Aim to train this with 10-20 reps with as much weight as you can while still using good form and feeling the muscles flexing with every rep.

Related Article: Best Upper Body Workout For Women (According To Trainer)

Sample Back Workouts For Women

sample back workouts for women

While the exact workouts below are not found in the Fitbod app, you can use the app to search for specific exercises and build your own workouts within the app.

Once you do that, the Fitbod app will help you progress your workouts every week to ensure you are continually challenging your muscles and getting the most out of your workouts.

Beginner-Friendly Back Workout

Below is a beginner-friendly back workout that incorporates machines and exercises that do not require a lot of body awareness and coordination — two things beginners struggle with that hinder their ability to train hard with intensity. 

If you want to train the back hard and grow muscle but don’t want to fuss with having to learn how to not round your back on bent-over rows, try this workout!

  • Hammer Strength Iso Row: 4 sets of 8-10 reps, resting 90 seconds between sets
  • Assisted Pull-Up: 3 sets of 8-10 reps, resting 60 seconds between sets
  • Incline Dumbbell Row: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, resting 60 seconds between sets

At-Home Back Workout

Below is a sample back workout routine you can do with dumbbells, a bench, and body weight. This workout utilizes higher reps, as most people who only have access to dumbbells tend to not have very heavy ones lying around.

If you do have access to heavier dumbbells, feel free to train the same exercises in the 8-10 rep range.

  • Dumbbell Incline Row: 4 sets of 12-15 reps, resting 90 seconds between sets
  • Dumbbell Row: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, resting 90 seconds between sets
  • Inverted Row: 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps, resting 90 seconds between sets (use something sturdy, such as a beam or edge of the table, if you don’t have a squat rack and barbell)

Bigger, Stronger Back Workout

Below is a back workout that can help you build a big and strong back using a variety of equipment, including barbells, machines, and dumbbells. This workout trains the back from a variety of angles and in all rep ranges to ensure you are developing a well-rounded back.

  • Hammer Strength Iso Row: 3 sets of 8-10 reps, resting 90 seconds between sets
  • Dumbbell Row: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, resting 90 seconds
  • Single-Arm Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, resting 90 seconds
  • Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 15-20 reps

Looking for a workout program? Try using the Fitbod App, which will design your program based on your logged training data and goals. The workouts will adapt automatically to your levels of recovery and rate of progress. With over 600 movements and exercises videos, you can be sure to perform the movements correctly for optimal results. Take the guesswork out of your workouts. Try Fitbod for free.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do Women Get a Toned Back?

Women should incorporate rowing and pulling exercises to fully develop the back muscles while also trying to lose body fat through a fat-loss diet. When trying to gain tone and definition, you need to be lean, which may mean some women need to lose fat while also lifting weights to improve tone.

Should Women Do Back Exercises?

Yes, women should do back exercises. Back exercises help to develop the backside of the upper body, improve posture, and provide shape to the body. With a muscular back, you will notice more tone across the entire backside of the body. 

What Workouts Shape Your Back?

Back workouts that include a variety of rowing and pulling exercises are best to shape the back, as both types of exercises are necessary to hit all the muscle fibers of the back. Every workout should include 1-2 rowing and 1-2 pulling exercises, and you should train the back 2-3 times a week.

About The Author

Mike Dewar

Mike holds a Master’s in Exercise Physiology and a Bachelor’s in Exercise Science. He’s a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), USA Weightlifting Advanced Coach, and has over 10+ years of experience working with collegiate athletes, national level lifters, and beginners alike. Mike is Founder of J2FIT Strength and Conditioning, a growing global training company with gyms in New York City, Cincinnati, and online offering personal training, online custom coaching programs.