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Ranked based on Fitbod's internal data set of the most effective exercises. Learn More
The Barbell Bench Press is a key exercise for building upper body strength, targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It’s commonly used in fitness programs and is essential for evaluating upper body strength.
Lie on a bench with your shoulder blades squeezed together and feet flat on the ground. Ensure your head, shoulders, and butt are on the bench throughout the exercise. Grip the barbell slightly wider than your shoulders and lift it above your chest. Engage your core by tightening your stomach muscles as you lower the barbell to your chest, keeping your elbows at a 45-degree angle. Gently touch your chest with the barbell, then push it back up to the starting position while exhaling.
The Barbell Incline Bench Press is a variation of the standard bench press that targets your chest while focusing more on the shoulders and upper chest. It's great for building strength in these areas.
Lie back on an incline bench (45-60 degrees), keeping your shoulder blades squeezed together and feet flat on the floor. Grip the barbell just outside shoulder-width and lift it above your shoulders with your arms extended. Brace your core, lower the barbell to your upper chest by flexing your elbows at a 45-degree angle, then gently touch your chest. Exhale and push the barbell back to the starting position.
The Dumbbell Bench Press is a great exercise for beginners that targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. Using dumbbells helps improve stability and ensures both sides of the body work equally without compensating for weaknesses.
Lie back on a bench, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Place your feet flat on the ground, under your knees. Hold the dumbbells outside shoulder-width apart, above your chest. Keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle and engage your core. Extend your arms fully and then lower the dumbbells back to starting position.
The Dumbbell Fly is an effective exercise for strengthening and building the chest muscles. It also engages the shoulders for support. This exercise helps to develop muscle balance by working each side of the body independently.
Lie on your back on a bench, squeezing your shoulder blades together and keeping your feet flat on the ground. Ensure the bench supports your head, shoulders, and buttocks. Hold the dumbbells above your shoulders with palms facing inward and elbows slightly bent. Engage your core and slowly lower the dumbbells out to the sides in a wide arc, keeping your elbows slightly bent. When the dumbbells are level with your chest, exhale and lift them back to the starting position.
Push ups are a simple and effective exercise for strengthening your upper body using just your body weight. They are easy to do anywhere and are great for beginners and advanced exercisers alike.
Start with your hands on the floor, slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your body straight, with your core engaged and hips extended. Bend your elbows, lowering your chest towards the floor at a 45-degree angle with your arms. Push back up to the starting position.