High Knee Grape Vine/Carioca is a dynamic movement that combines lateral footwork with high knee action. This compound exercise primarily targets your hip flexors, quads, and calves, while also improving coordination and agility. By crossing your feet over and under in a grapevine pattern and adding high knees, you enhance lower body endurance and improve lateral movement control, making it an effective drill for athletes.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend your knees.
Keep your core engaged, chest up and gaze forward.
Face your chest in the same direction and focus on swiveling your hips throughout this exercise.
Pump your arms in an exaggerated pseudo-running motion to help maintain balance and good form as you move.
Reach one leg behind the other so that your legs are crossed.
Step out with the front foot to its same side, uncrossing your legs.
Drive your back knee up and across your body in the direction of your lead foot, as you would for a cross-body high-knee.
Plant your back foot in front of your leading foot.
Push off your leading foot, uncrossing your legs.
Complete this movement for as many reps in one direction as you do in the opposite direction.
Repeat for as many sets as required.
Alternative Exercises to High Knee Grape Vine/Carioca